Traditionally, rural men and women both shared in the tasks, joining some and splitting others by gender and land has been owned by both genders. Today women account for 45% of the paid workforce with increased access to education and childcare. Back in the day, while both genders have been economically active, women often left work once they had children and occupied lower-paying positions. Much like in the United States, gender roles have been relatively male-dominated until recently. In the past few decades, Greece has seen a decline in the separated spheres of the genders. Women received full voting rights in 1956 and three decades later, the Family Law of 1983 established equal gender roles in family relationships and decision making. Today, women make up 53% of students in universities and are present in public areas such as nightclubs, stores, beaches, and restaurants. (Sutton).

Sutton, S.B. (2013). Countries and their cultures. Greece. Retrieved from:
3/16/2013 06:27:55 am

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3/21/2013 12:01:47 pm

I really like your website. It is very interesting. Greece was my backup choice but I chose to do Egypt instead. I love how Greece has evolved from ancient times and how the not too much from the original stuff has changed. The website looks great!


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