Issues of biodiversity are connected to threats to cultural diversity in one way because different plant and animal species have special importance to certain cultures. Different cultures have different appreciations of the earth and the relationship human beings have with it. If certain plant or animal species go extinct, then so does the culture that appreciates or sometimes even worships these aspects of the earth. Another thing is different cultures have different world views. How people should be treated, how crimes should be punished, and what aspects of life should not be taken for granted.

            In the Wade Davis video, he talks about several different cultures which have different customs and beliefs. One of the cultures he spoke of, they smoked a plant mixed with another which had different levels of serotonin and other properties. While some other cultures don’t really value smoking anything, this culture does and many other do for religious practices or special occasions. This shows how different cultures can have a different view about what is okay and what isn’t.

            I believe the government should be involved to an extent to protect cultural diversity. I believe that people should be able to practice religion freely, participate in activities which holds cultural importance, and take the world as they want so long as these practices and beliefs don’t infringe on another’s practices and beliefs. With that said, it is important to protect the environment if not because of cultural diversity, but because we all live on this earth and should appreciate its natural resources.

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